Consists of the different phases of sexual response cycle: sexual desire, sexual arousal, orgasm, and the ends of the phase permit.

Sex drive (libido) glands of internal secretion and metabolism in the affiliate business. In addition, the sexual impulse as a result of brain (cortex and subcortical Layer) and the genital centers of the spinal cord. And create a single system to interact with all the sexual centers.
The degree of arousal, libido and genital centers for an adult from bound hormone levels.
Your libido (sex drive) connected with congenital features of human Anthropology: brunette, attractive, strong, blond, skinny a dense, tall woman and sexual Jun it requires less effort to lusk, thinner; southerners sex drive, stronger, more Northern.
The difference is that sexual arousal in both men and women
Sexual arousal men and women differently. A woman with sexual arousal in men is much higher.
If a male increases arousal, speed of erection, orgasm and ejaculation arousal and the erection disappears completely woman the accumulation of excitation process is quite long, laborious lusk by partner. After stimulation and orgasm, is also gradually reduced.
However, in this case, a woman didn't orgasm, the sexual organs of the blood flow is very slow, an hour and even longer. Lack of orgasm may occur due to insufficient stimulation of the erogenous zones (either sexual intercourse. Then Jun women missing sexual, no sexual discharge. Why this happens, a woman appears, low back pain, the feeling of pain and heaviness in lower abdomen. The internship consists of pelvic organs blood to lymph and blood in slow motion outside of developing inflammatory processes, painful menstruation and waist (vaginal discharge).
Be very harmful the lack of orgasm, women's health, woman's disappointment in the absence of strong excitation condition occurs after discharge — painful emotional reaction with a sense of dissatisfaction and tension.
Extreme arousal, ejaculation occurs too quickly in men the genital centers. Recipes called humilis males. If the missing or weak erections in men chubby penis, in such a case, impotence is called.
Sensuality, males and females developing in different.
Most women improves sexual urge 25-28, sometimes up to 30 years. 45-50 years old then a sexy sensuality is reduced. May increase sexual desire during menopause menopause and eventually disappears. For some women, if this continues, 60 years and more long-lasting.

In men the same things are different. For 25 years, need your sexual life much more higher than women. After 28-30 years the sexual impulse reaches the maximum gradually begins to decrease.
Men approaching the age when"wilt", his sexual life often come into play. For these reasons it's more a psychological horror with an upcoming it's religion.
Lauren is the decline in potency all men. Protect some sexual potency to a ripe old age.
At different periods the nuances of sexual sensitivity and can cause TIFF the greatest ignorance es.
Jun sexual partner depends to a large extent, another partner. A physiological monogamous human sexual act. Therefore partners or spouses who want to keep sex in a relationship a long time, treat each other with understanding and patience and, if possible, partner's erogenous Zone and if there is not a man to get an erection too long, a little more incentive parter prior to sexual intercourse. Often such an erogenous area of the woman, clitoris.